Welcome to Support Ministries

Peace, Joy and Righteousness by Holy Spirit is all yours. Greetings from all the team members of Support Ministries in Ermelo and Vlissingen,The Netherlands

We hereby introduce to you our renewed website in some more languages.Realizing we are not perfect, but our heart is to encourage the Body of Christ to grow towards freedom and maturity in practical daily life in the Lord.

We encourage you to watch and/or to listen to Windows Media Video's, MP3 and M4a messages, free PDF downloads available in various languages.

Our publishinghouse, stichting Uitgeverij Support Ministries has been transferred to "Great Life Publishing" and all our books are available via https://www.greatlifepublishing.nl), Believing it will be uplifting, a blessing and give you eye openers in your personal relationship with Jesus.

For 2024 our wish is that you will not be guided by the circumstances, our confidence is in the Lord. We wish you strength, courage and Joy for the challenging 2024. Be Blessed !

Although we never make any promises but we want you to know that we are available to serve. You are invited to communicate through contact page of this website.

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Israël, Egypt and Assyria

For English Click Here


Israël,  Egypte en Assur

Voor Nederands Klick Hier

Alexandria - Egypt Conference November 2019