This is a collection of resources from Dolf de Voogd van der Straaten, Cees Bakker, good friends and others who have activated the thinking of many. The various writers that are included here do not all agree on every last detail of doctrine, but they impart life to you.

If you find something here that you do not agree with, please just put it up on a shelf and don't let it spoil your enjoyment of the rest of the spiritual feast. Please realize we are on our way and do not know everything. Your personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is what counts and Holy Spirit will help you to understand the heart of God.

None of the writers are trying to build their own kingdoms or personal followings. The great aim is to encourage people to become followers of Jesus. And You are free to download the articles in PDF, Window Media Video”s, MP3 and M4a to bless others with the information.



Passion and Purity, Sexuality and Holiness introduction
Passion and Purity, Sexuality and Holiness, various subjects
Passion & Purity, Sexuality & Holiness + various subjects 2
Passion & Purity, Sexuality & Holiness + various subjects 3
Passion & Purity, Sexuality & Holiness + various subjects 4
Passion and Purity, Secure Identity and Marriage

Identity & Inner Healing

January 20th till January 23rd. 2012 in El Obour, Cairo Egypt

Conference speaker: Bram Flippo (The Netherlands)

Ramy  Ranea

Worship: Ramy & Remon Fawzy (Egypt)

He is worthy to be praised

Bram Flippo’s MP3 Teachings

Foto Bram

January 20th.2012

1st. Session

Friday 1st.Session Identity and Innerhealing Statement Thomas Merton Introduction
statement of Thomas Merton
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