Dit is een verzameling van artikelen in PDF,  Window Media Video’s, MP3 en M4a opnamen van Dolf de Voogd van der Straaten, Cees Bakker en van vrienden en anderen, die het denken van velen hebben geactiveerd. De verschillende schrijvers zijn het niet allemaal in elk detail met elkaar eens, maar zij brengen leven.
Als u iets vindt waar u het niet mee eens bent, leg het op de plank en laat het uw vreugde niet beroven. We zijn immers onderweg en weten niet alles.
Uw persoonlijke relatie met de Heer Jezus Christus staat voorop en Heilige Geest zal helpen om het hart van God te verstaan.
Geen van de schrijvers proberen hun  “eigen” koninkrijkjes te bouwen of persoonlijke volgelingen te verzamelen.
Het grote doel is om mensen aan te moedigen volgelingen van Jezus te worden



Steve_en_Marilyn_Hill_fotoAuthor: Steve Hill
Date : October 2010

Location : Gulf of Suez

Below you can download some of Steve Hill’s teachings on Luke 10.

Steve Hill on Luke 10 Part 1
Steve Hill on Luke 10 Part 2

Author: Steve Hill
Date : October  2010
Location:  Gulf of Suez

Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on Prayer in the Kingdom of God.

Steve Hill on Prayer in the Kingdom of God Part 1
Steve Hill on Prayer in the Kingdom of God Part 2
Steve Hill on Prayer in the Kingdom of God Part 3

Author: Steve Hill
Date : October 2010

Location:  Gulf of Suez
Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on the difference between a “Rabbit, Elefant, Strawberry or Oaktree Church”.

Steve Hill on Rabbit, Elefant, Strawberry or Oaktree Church

Author: Steve Hill
Date:  October  2010

Location:  Gulf of Suez

Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on freely receive, freele serve life through us without pretending.

Steve Hill on Freely receive, freely serve life through us without pretending Part 1
Steve Hill on Freely receive, freely serve life through us without pretending Part 2

Author: Steve Hill
Date : October  2010

Gulf of Suez

Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on follow the money and find someones heart

Steve Hill on Follow the money and find someones heart Part 1

Harold_2Author: Harold Eberle
Below you can download Harold Eberle's teachings on 'Who is God?'

The Teachings are in English and translated into Dutch, but for you who can understand English it is worthwhile to listen.

Teachings recorded during a “Support Ministries” seminar in Linschoten, The Netherlands on

28 & 29 september 2007

Thanks to Martijn Siegers and Jurrian Bevelander for editing the files!


Teaching about worldviews (influences from Greek and Roman thinking, and the Hebrew way of thinking). What does Calvinism believe, and why?

MP3 Eberle 1

Second part of teaching 1 (short)

MP3 Eberle 2

Teaching about the differences between the classical and relational worldview/theology. How do both views influence our thinking, prayer life, vision on man's biggest problem, et cetera?

MP3 Eberle 3

Teaching about the differences between the classical and relational worldview.With discussion/questions from the audience.

MP3 Eberle 4

Teaching about 'Victorious Eschatology'. Harold explains the book of Revelations, knowing that Jesus will be victorious.

MP3 Eberle 5
Son or Slave by Harold Eberle M4a

This PDF is connected to the MP3 teachings on “Who is God”


This PDF is connected to the MP3 teachings on “Who is God”


This PDF is connected to the MP3 teachings on “Who is God”



Beit El Salam, in Al Agamy Egypt Conference MP3

Title The Kingdom Seed

May 11 2012 ……Day 1

Foto Dolf

Speaker Dolf

Title: God does not want to fix your old nature, but He wants to renew your mind.

He gives you seed to built a garden in a dry and desert land.

Plus: Introduction Marilyn Hill

God does not want to fix your old nature but He wants to renew your mind
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