Il s’agit d’un ensemble de matériel, de ressources développées par Dolf de Voogd van der Straaten, Cees Bakker d’ amis et autres, qui ont suscité la réflexion de beaucoup. Les différents auteurs inclus ici ne sont pas tous d’accord sur chaque détail ultime de doctrine, mais ils « impartissent » (partagent) la vie. Si vous trouvez un point avec lequel vous n’êtes pas d’accord, mettez-le de côté et que cela ne vous empêche pas de profiter du reste du festin spirituel. Comprenez que nous sommes en chemin et ne savons pas (encore) tout. Votre relation personnelle avec le Seigneur Jésus-Christ est ce qui compte et l’Esprit-Saint vous aidera à comprendre le cœur de Dieu. Aucun des auteurs n’essaie de bâtir son propre royaume ou de se faire ses propres disciples. L’objectif majeur est d’encourager les gens à devenir des disciples de Jésus. Et vous êtes libres de télécharger les articles au PDF, Window Media Video, MP3 et M4a pour bénir d’autres personnes avec l’information mise à disposition.
Author: Steve Hill
Date : October 2010
Location : Gulf of Suez
Below you can download some of Steve Hill’s teachings on Luke 10.
Author: Steve Hill
Date : October 2010
Location: Gulf of Suez
Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on Prayer in the Kingdom of God.
Author: Steve Hill
Date : October 2010
Location: Gulf of Suez
Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on the difference between a “Rabbit, Elefant, Strawberry or Oaktree Church”.
Author: Steve Hill
Date: October 2010
Location: Gulf of Suez
Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on freely receive, freele serve life through us without pretending.
Author: Steve Hill
Date : October 2010
Gulf of Suez
Below you can download Steve Hill’s teachings on follow the money and find someones heart
Author: Harold Eberle
Below you can download Harold Eberle's teachings on 'Who is God?'
The Teachings are in English and translated into Dutch, but for you who can understand English it is worthwhile to listen.
Teachings recorded during a “Support Ministries” seminar in Linschoten, The Netherlands on
28 & 29 september 2007
Thanks to Martijn Siegers and Jurrian Bevelander for editing the files!
Teaching about worldviews (influences from Greek and Roman thinking, and the Hebrew way of thinking). What does Calvinism believe, and why?
Second part of teaching 1 (short)
Teaching about the differences between the classical and relational worldview/theology. How do both views influence our thinking, prayer life, vision on man's biggest problem, et cetera?
Teaching about the differences between the classical and relational worldview.With discussion/questions from the audience.
Teaching about 'Victorious Eschatology'. Harold explains the book of Revelations, knowing that Jesus will be victorious.
This PDF is connected to the MP3 teachings on “Who is God”
This PDF is connected to the MP3 teachings on “Who is God”
This PDF is connected to the MP3 teachings on “Who is God”
Beit El Salam, in Al Agamy Egypt Conference MP3
May 11 2012 ……Day 1
Speaker Dolf
Title: God does not want to fix your old nature, but He wants to renew your mind.
He gives you seed to built a garden in a dry and desert land.
Plus: Introduction Marilyn Hill